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About Us

For the Love of Food

It must have been love that brought falafels and tacos together. Who would have thought that a Jewish chef and a lovely Mexican lady would end up combining the better of two cultures into one kitchen?

It was the blending of our families that brought this combination as a chef flavors, aromas, textures and exotic ingredients inspire me. But, my humble palette yearns for the best of street foods. When Rosie and I met, I daydreamed about opening a taco shop.

However, when my daughter Astrid came to me one day and said she was a vegan, I struggled to cook for the family. Eventually, I started making my own falafels with fresh bread, and homemade tahini, latkes with fresh guacamole, and Mexican matzo ball soup. "It was a hit!" The fusion of Mexican and Israeli food was born. Then came the search for a name. Rosie's daughter, Andrea, came up with Falafel Taco and its moniker, MexRaeli Cuisine.

We would like you to be part of our history, hoping you enjoy it as much as we do!! Buen Provecho! Be'te-avon! Good appetite!

Jonathan and Rosie